Check out my second website under A minimalistic blog with shorter but more frequent posts about events around the […]

Meet Cosmo – spanish Cuvée and newest family member
In this one, Gabor describes the story of how our dog, Cosmo came into our life.

The case for the contact tracing app – a privacy advocate’s standpoint
Let’s start by defining a parameter called basic reproduction number or R0, the typical number of infections caused by any […]

Summary: face mask recommendations for the general public
Based on Lancet Respir Med 2020 Cover image: “Let’s go to battle ” the new Slovak government of Igor […]

Johns Hopkins epidemiological data
source and more details:

An (eco)political review of the LSO performing Beethoven’s Ninth at the Elphi
Tonight I had the pleasure of seeing the London Symphony Orchestra perform at the Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg’s Symphony Hall on the […]

Roadtrip #2 – Kittiez on the Road
If you want to skip the text and just see cute kitty pictures, click here. So for our Christmas visit […]

Flugscham – driving across half of Europe for a quick visit home
Both Ilona and I have flown a lot in recent years, mostly on account of our living in a long […]

Meet our server
The idea to set up our homepage on our own server came to me after reading Edward Snowden’s new autobiography. […]

Hello world!
Welcome to our website. It is currently under construction, be sure to check back in a few days time 🙂